大會邀得副校長 (研究及拓展) 黃偉國教授、行政副校長暨秘書長李兆銓先生和多位評判,頒發獎項予得獎同學。
林志華(中國語言文學系二年級) 的〈散的文〉奪得散文組亞軍、〈野蠻時代〉獲得新詩組優異獎;此外他的小說作品亦獲嘉許獎。林同學以往曾贏得中文文學創作獎和連續六屆青年文學獎,但他表示最希望贏得「大學文學獎」。他感謝語文中心副教授胡燕青老師的提點和鼓勵。林同學表示最愛寫新詩也寫得比較多,並笑說因為自己沒有耐性,所以這種文體最適合他。創作時他會先把當時的感受記下,然後慢慢修改成詩。
頒獎禮後,兩位評審唐睿先生和陳智德博士,以及「大學文學獎」籌委會主任、語文中心高級講師朱少璋博士,在胡燕青女士主持的「也要翹首引領 —― 談談年輕人的寫作視野」專題座談會上,與參加者分享創作經驗。
Co-organised by the Arts Faculty and the Language Centre, the prize-giving ceremony of the 6th Intervarsity Creative Writing Competition (ICWC) was held on 28 May. At the ceremony, a total of 18 awards were presented to the winners of the short story, prose and poetry categories while three secondary school students were recognised for their outstanding creative writing. Five HKBU students shone in the competition, winning a total of six prizes.
Professor Chung Ling, Chairman of the ICWC Organising Committee, Associate Vice-President and Dean of Arts, delivered a speech at the ceremony. She said this year saw the highest number of entries received since the competition was launched – a total of 384 entries from students from 12 local tertiary institutions. The contest drew 78 secondary schools, the highest number over the years. Professor Chung said there were many new features this year including an increase in cash prizes and more young award-winning writers serving as adjudicators. This year, the competition attracted donation for the first time.
Presenting the awards to winners were Professor Rick Wong, Vice-President (Research and Development); Mr. Andy Lee, Vice-President (Administration) and Secretary; and several judges.
Lam Chi-wa (Chinese Language and Literature, Year 2) won a second place in the prose category and a merit prize in the poetry category. His entry for the short story category was also commended by the judges. Despite having won many literary awards in the past, the ICWC was his most desired award. He thanked Ms. Wu Yin-ching, Associate Professor of the Language Centre, for her advice and encouragement. He said he liked to write poetry and that the form of writing suited him as he had no patience. He used to record his feelings at different moments and then work on them to create a poem.
Following the prize presentation was a forum hosted by Ms. Wu Yin-ching at which Mr. Tong Yui and Dr. Chan Chi-tak (adjudicators) and Dr. Chu Siu-cheung, Officer of the ICWC Organising Committee and Senior Lecturer of the Language Centre, shared their experiences in creative writing with the audience.